🤔🔗 Links of Interest - July 2022
🎓 Interesting / Educational
- Pizza Sceptisicm in the 1950s (Twitter thread)
- The most notable people from every city
- New Tolkien book: The Fall of Númenor to be published
⚛️ Development / Technology
- What’s the deal with all those weird wrong-number texts?
- Music for programming
- The new wave of React state management
🎩 Business / Productivity
- On Bill Watterson’s Refusal To License Calvin and Hobbes
- You should take more screenshots
- The man who made the “worst” video game in history
📐 Art/Design
- Emoji Kitchen Browser
- A teen’s ‘I Voted’ sticker hits a nerve. Now everyone wants one
- Oldschool PC Fonts
🏆 GIF of the Month
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