whygodwhy #29: null breath shaper

My new album is out, on most/all? of the streaming platforms. It's a collection of dark ambient/minimalist music that I wrote to have something relaxing & quiet to meditate to/breath to/fall asleep to. Find it on:
Tidal & iTunes probably too, but I'm not sure how to link to those.
I released my last EP about a year ago and wrote at the time about how I was frustrated with the sound quality. So I started my podcast as a way to really woodshed and get my music production reps in. I wrote & released about 15 pop-ish songs that way between February and August, none of which I really liked that much. Then as September rolled around, I became unemployed and my anxiety went up. I was spending an annoying amount of time every night trying to find interesting (but not too interesting) music to relax and meditate to before bed. There's no shortage of music like this, but none that really spoke to me. Or actually now that I think about it: maybe it was just the choice -- the trying to find something to listen to every night, instead of just having something that I know will work for me -- that was frustrating. So I thought: let's make our own. These songs were all written between October and December of 2023. I really like how they turned out.
And side-note I do think the production values are better on this album, maybe thanks to the many attempts over the past year, or maybe just thanks to some extremely helpful thoughts from my friend Jamie.
Anyways I hope you'll check it out, maybe you'll find it helpful too.
Happy new year. I wrote about some of my favorite music, movies, and TV shows from last year if you're interested and want to discuss any of them.
Take care <3