Moth Night Follow up with pics!
The Wendy Olson Arboretum, Inc.
Howdy Neighbors,
Moth night was a delightful success. It was great to see so many show up and learn about and see our beautiful moths that grace our beautiful neighborhood arboretum! Lior, of Backyard Butterflies, was pleased to add a new species for Orange County-The Solitary Oak Leafminer Moth! It is a tiny speck of a moth. Lior took lots of photos. Please view the entire set of photos on inaturalist here:
Wendy Olson Arboretum Moth Night
· iNaturalist
Moths and Non-moths observed at the Wendy Olson Arboretum
And here are some pics of the group checking out all the moths and other night creatures hanging out on the viewing collection sheet:
There you go folks! A warm thank you to Lior and Backyard Butterflies for a splendid presentation. And a warm thanks to our sweet friends and neighbors who came out! Stay tuned. Details for September’s writing workshop coming soon!
Kind Regards,