Short recommendations before reviews!
I know, I know. it's not the end of the month yet, but I'm preparing for the Pass the Salt audio book to be released for reviews soon, so I got to focus on that. Speaking of,
I didn't do a lot of listening this month, partially because Pass the Salt kept me busy, but I have been checking out a heck of a lot of historical fiction podcasts, some highlights are below.
To get the Pass the Salt review copies, apply the street team tag here.
And now, the recommendations! This month, it's audio books and fiction podcasts.
For my Blind readers, NLS DB numbers are provided after the titles wherever possible.
Bullshit Jobs, DB92662. Talks about, well, what the author sees as bullshit jobs in the US and why workers are unhappy. Really interesting read even if it does present universal basic income without explaining how the United States government could afford this in their sleep, but still, worth the read for sure!
Audiobook: Empire of the Vampire, by Jay Kristoff DB105094. This one was pure Fantasy fun! Dark vampires, fabulous narrator, and lots of gore!
Fiction podcasts.
Gay future This one was super fun! I love dark comedy, and this one does not let up on the dark comedy. It's a bit dated, especially since the last joke hinges on knowing who a certain former VP was in 2016, but still, it's really fun!
Supreme: The Battle for Roe I love historical fiction that also educates and this one was a banger all the way through!
That's it, you all! Until next month!
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