i'll tell you about it soon
it has to
i am in one
we move through life in a blur same shit different day automatons at the mercy of this spinning planet night day day night but then something happens that breaks all that there is no longer space for everything that was once urgent
now is the time to heal to live to be
what matters?
about the observation that the quality of programmers is a decreasing function of the density of go to statements in the programs they produce
look after yourselves
time is running out
i love you
i returned from a spa day that preceded the react norway conference and i felt like a changed woman
i had a new perspective on everything
i was calm, i was free
what could the world do with $1.8 million?
this week, it buys a domain name.
i'm disappointed.
it's a strange question we ask children
we place so much emphasis on labour
but i ask: what do you want to experience when you grow up? what do you want to feel?
this happens every so often
not long ago i asked you who you are
and now i'm not sure about me
ticking off tasks is way more satisfying
more web archaology
ones and zeroes never lie
apparently something happens when all the checkboxes are checked
it's great, actually
i spent my whole life trying to overachieve to make people notice me
turns out all that i ever wanted was to notice myself
don't waste it
don't fight it
the web is cooked
don't be afraid, i am a very kind virus
a diorama
who are you
elemental octaves
restore google search to its former self
the unattainable is unknown
this warning is a message about danger
rebirth is possible
be the thing
binary is out to get you
life is a never-ending series of todos
dedicated to all those with an astonishingly enduring faith in tech billionaires and their products
exploring the possibilities of an approximation to celestial and numinous entities
i don't know what we're doing here
how one gene changed the game
the internet is ours
we are all space dust
probably an april fool
it's time to take back control
tarot tapes
we're being real, now
i am both but also neither
you are important
css for babies
who are you?
listen patiently
you are special to me
the wind makes music
please make the rain stop
i'm scared
everything is going to be ok
the moon blew up with no warning and with no apparent reason
i missed you
"this is what seeing a color that didn’t exist before feels like"
drink water
crypto but for open source
you're doing great
there are no answers, only more questions
how are you?
alan wake 2 is the most enchanting and creative video game mixed media production of all time