Weekly GitHub Report for Flashcode - 2024-07-15 12:00:49
Weekly GitHub Report for Flashcode
Thank you for subscribing to our weekly newsletter! Each week, we deliver a comprehensive summary of your GitHub project's latest activity right to your inbox, including an overview of your project's issues, pull requests, contributors, and commit activity.
I. Issues
1.1 Open Issues
Open Issues This Week: 0
Summarized Issues:
As of our latest update, there are no open issues for the project this week.
1.2 Top 5 Active Issues:
We consider active issues to be issues that have generated much discussion in the issue's comments.
As of our latest update, there are no active issues with ongoing comments this week.
1.3 Top 5 Quiet Issues:
We consider quiet issues to be issues that have been opened in this project for the longest time. The team should work together to get these issues resolved and closed as soon as possible.
As of our latest update, there are no open issues for the project this week.
1.4 Closed Issues
Closed Issues This Week: 3
Average Issue Close Time (This Week): 18.88 days
Summarized Issues:
- Adding functionality to /assortments screen: This issue involves enhancing the /assortments screen by displaying the associated user's username for each assortment. The goal is to make it similar to how Quizlet shows the username on each flashcard set. This will help users identify the creator of each assortment more easily.
- CSS styling for /assortment/id page: This issue focuses on adding CSS styling to the /assortment/id page to ensure it matches the design and theme of the already styled /assortments page. The styling includes consistent color schemes, fonts, and headers. This will create a cohesive visual experience across different pages.
- CSS styling for /assortments/id/study page: This issue involves adding CSS styling to the /assortments/id/study page to ensure it visually aligns with the already styled /assortments and /assortments/id pages. The styling should maintain functionality while providing a consistent look and feel. This will enhance the user experience by providing a uniform design.
1.5 Issue Discussion Insights
This section will analyze the tone and sentiment of discussions within this project's open issues within the past week to identify potentially heated exchanges and to maintain a constructive project environment.
As of our last update, there are no open issues with discussions going on within the past week.
II. Pull Requests
2.1 Open Pull Requests
Open Pull Requests This Week: 0
Pull Requests:
As of our latest update, there are no open pull requests for the project this week.
2.2 Closed Pull Requests
Closed Pull Requests This Week: 2
Summarized Pull Requests:
- CSS Modifications and Merging: This topic covers integrating and merging CSS changes across different branches of the project. The first pull request involves integrating CSS modifications from the /assortments directory into the broader development branch. The second pull request involves merging these CSS changes from the development branch into the main branch of the GitHub project.
2.3 Pull Request Discussion Insights
This section will analyze the tone and sentiment of discussions within this project's open pull requests within the past week to identify potentially heated exchanges and to maintain a constructive project environment.
As of our last update, there are no open pull requests with discussions going on within the past week.
III. Commits
3.1 Commits
Commits This Week: 18
Summarized Commits:
- CSS Merges: The project has seen multiple merges of CSS changes from various branches, including merging from the development branch into the main branch and from a branch created by stevenbui44 into the development branch. These merges ensure that the latest CSS updates are consistently integrated across different branches.
- Text and Font Adjustments: Several commits focus on adjusting text sizes and font settings, such as reducing text size in assortment cards and updating the font size in the Code section of the study page. These changes aim to improve readability and visual consistency across the application.
- Study Page Enhancements: Numerous commits address enhancements to the study page, including adding a progress bar, rearranging buttons, and displaying the number of cards reviewed, known, and still being learned. These updates aim to provide a more informative and user-friendly study experience.
- Confetti Animation Feature: A new feature has been introduced that triggers a confetti animation upon completing a study session. This addition aims to provide a celebratory visual feedback to users upon achieving their study goals.
- Automatic Notes Clearing: Functionality has been added to automatically clear the notes text area whenever any of the top buttons on the study page are pressed. This ensures that users start with a clean slate for their notes in each study session.
- Button and Indicator Visibility: The CSS has been modified to hide buttons and the card progress indicator when the user has finished studying an assortment. This change ensures that unnecessary elements do not clutter the interface once the study session is complete.
- Back Arrow Reintroduction: The back arrow has been reintroduced to the study page, specifically placed within the left side buttons section. This provides users with an easy way to navigate back from the study page.
- Visual and Layout Improvements: Several commits focus on refining the visual appearance and layout of the study page, including enhancing the notes section, reducing header size, changing button shapes, and improving button colors and sizes. These changes aim to create a more aesthetically pleasing and functional interface.
- Icon Additions: Icons for the shuffle, still learning, and know buttons have been added to the CSS. This visual enhancement helps users quickly identify and use these functions.
- Header Simplification: The title and username have been removed from the study page header, leaving only the card order and buttons positioned on the left and right. This simplification aims to declutter the header and focus on essential elements.
- Notes Section Adjustments: The notes section beneath the cards on the study page has been modified by setting each tab to 3 spaces, adding a "Notes" header, and adjusting the section's height to 200 pixels. These changes aim to improve the usability and organization of the notes section.
- Newline Text Display: A feature has been introduced to ensure that text starting on a newline in the file-assortments-cards page is correctly displayed on the study page. This ensures consistent text formatting across different pages.
- Scrolling for Long Answers: A feature enabling scrolling within card sections has been introduced to accommodate lengthy answers during study sessions. This ensures that users can view and interact with all content, regardless of length.
- Database Schema Update: The database schema has been updated to allow card fields and assortment descriptions to exceed the previous limit of 255 characters. This change accommodates more extensive content and descriptions within the application.
IV. Contributors
4.1 Contributors
Active Contributors:
We consider an active contributor in this project to be any contributor who has made at least 1 commit, opened at least 1 issue, or created at least 1 pull request in the past month.
Contributor | Commits | Pull Requests | Issues |
stevenbui44 | 100 | 4 | 26 |
GitHub | 4 | 0 | 0 |