Lets build breezy website for self promotion
Hello all readers,
First of all thanks for reading this first newsletter. My main goal of this newsletter to bring knowledge from different aspects of technology and develop a small weekend fun project. Last week I shared a mini project to work about API documentation using OpenAPI specs, if you missed it do check their documentation.
Upcoming Conference
October is month of full of exciting tech conference. Already in India, GDG Devfest is happening this weekend. And if you are avid JAMStack developer or follower, there is very less chance you might have missed about NextJS Conf . Yes Twitter is in full energy to tweet about NextJS conf which is happening on Oct 26th. Don't miss it.
Call for Proposal
Some of the Upcoming CFP closing within next one week
DevConf by Redhat before 24th Oct 2021
SvelteSummit before 30 Oct 2021
Youtube Videos of the week
In this section you will know about the videos which you can watch. This will be mostly related to tech conferences, tutorials, sometimes gadgets review (which will help to build something) and so on.
DevXConf worth binge watching. This conference dedicated for Developer Experience. A short note about Developer Experience, this is one of the booming side of tech where more job opportunities will be coming in future as the world is moving towards more API first.
Weekend Project to Try
Personal portfolio website is very important in these days. Establishing online presence is must in 2021. And in next week we have got our NextJS conf. Keeping this in mind, how about creating a small personal website for yourselves using NextJS. I have tired NextJS and is much easier to use, have never felt this much easier to build website before. And there is a course created by authors of NextJS related to SEO you can read about it and use its full potential.
You can comment the github repository in my tweet, which can be shared in upcoming newsletter.
You can reach out to me in Twitter