Wallowing in the Little Wins
I’m a transplant here in the winterlands, and in former haunts of mine March meant full-blown, flowers and pollen springtime. But here, it’s still all ice and snow. The trees won’t even think about putting out leaves for probably another month, but the sap is moving. It’s an impatient time. There’s a lot happening under the surface, but so very few signs of it above the soil.
If you’re starting to suspect that the last paragraph was a belabored metaphor for writing (and the publishing journey), you’re right.
I had high hopes for what I’d accomplish this month, but those hopes were pinned on things outside of my control. Things that didn’t happen—not yet. It feels like it’s still all ice and snow in my writing life.
But, you know what? I had a lot of little wins this month. I may not have sold any stories or gotten any good news on the querying front, but I finished and revised a 350 page audio drama script. I outlined my third novel. I submitted a bunch of short stories. I made notes on a few others. I bought myself a proper printer so I can keep writing and revising and submitting. And I did that while attending to the needful things of everyday life—day job, pet care, an occasional round of dishes or laundry or grocery shopping.
One of my favorite musicians, Frazey Ford, has a song called “Money Can’t Buy” that I frequently listen to on repeat when I need to get my head right. There’s this one particular lyric that really hits home at these times:
Don’t you waste no time believing that you can’t, that you can’t.
There’s a whole wide world just waiting for you to stand, you to stand.
You’re the call of the seagull, you’re the warmth in the rain,
And you die back in winter, but you’re blooming again…
Creativity has cycles, just like everything else. All that ice and snow will become the water that allows a riot of flowers, so soon.
March Reads & Listens I Loved
Publishing Rodeo podcast took the writing world by storm this month, in the best way. If you’re a writer (or you love a writer) check it out. It’s got great insights into aspects of publishing that aren’t often discussed.
I’m gearing up to write some historical fantasy romance, and wanted to recommend the Fated Mates podcast in general and this episode with Zoraida Córdova specifically.
I also read Gwen Hayes’ Romancing the Beat, which is a handy craft guide to writing romance.
Finally, here’s a Tiny Desk set that feels like it should be a soundtrack for some folk horror:
Next month, I’ll be participating in Flights of Foundry. Here’s where you can find me:
Moderating a panel on Accessibility for Narrative Work (4/14/2023 1:00 PM, Eastern time)
Panelist on Favorite Spooky Podcasts (4/15/2023 5:00 PM)
Giving a workshop Alt-Texts are Art: Creating Transcripts for Your Podcast (4/16/2023 10:00 AM) — there are still a few seats available, grab a spot here!
Panelist on Narrative AV Recommendations (4/16/2023 2:00 PM)
Thank you for wallowing with me,