- Issue #13 - Announcing Ionic Vue + State Management in Vue 3 🕵️
Announcing Ionic Vue
Today I am thrilled to announce the release of Ionic Vue, a native Vue version of Ionic Framework that makes it easy to build apps for iOS, Android, and the web as a Progressive Web App. Ionic Vue has been written to take advantage of all the great new features that recently shipped in Vue 3.
Vue 3.0.1 Released
This release brings a ton of bug fixes & some performance improvements. Full changelog here.
Combining Django and Vue.js - Everything you need to know
Django and Vue.js are my two favorite frameworks for building the best websites. In this post I will tell you everything you need to know to use them together.
5 Minute Tutorial - Deploying Nuxt to AWS
Amplify hosting enables you to deploy websites and web apps to AWS’s global edge CDN with only a few clicks.
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to deploy a static or SPA (Single Page Application) NuxtJS app to AWS using Amplify static site hosting
Wave UI
An emerging UI framework for Vue.js with only the bright side.
Now why? You ask. Mostly for more flexibility and control, and less work to override when building more complex UI designs.
Explore Nuxt Modules
Discover our list of modules to supercharge your Nuxt project. Created by the Nuxt team and community.
Thoughts on State Management
WTF is Vuex? A Beginner’s Guide To Vuex 4
Vuex is one of the most useful tools in the Vue.js ecosystem, but it can be confusing at first. I’ve written this primer on Vuex that I wish I’d had.
Application State Management with Vue 3
With the new Composition API and Vue 3, there is a lot of talk about whether or not we still need Vuex or if it is possible to replace Vuex completely by making reactive objects globally available. In this article, I argue that thanks to the Composition API’s new tools, Vuex is rarely necessary anymore. But we have to use the right tools for the job.