Weekend Reading : Flashing Palely in the Margins
A bit of anger, a bit of sadness, a bit of wondering where this is all going
March 7, 2025
As part of the recent tumult in US politics, Trump/Musk/DOGE recently laid off all the staff at 18F, essentially shuttering the agency and with it destroying...
February 28, 2025
February is the cruelest month. The snow has been unrelenting; when it hasn’t been snowing, the cold has been frightening. The early morning walks to the...
On the precarious situation of the civil service
February 16, 2025
I recently read an interesting look at how the stable, impartial civil service was created, and how it was different from the partial, ever-changing system...
Water slide
February 7, 2025
It had been almost 30 years since I last went on a water slide. There was a water park near us growing up and we would occasionally go there when we’d get...
January 24, 2025
This week, I returned to my job working in employee experience and organizational culture after six months of managing a team of talent and operations...
January 10, 2025
The holidays ended and everything sped up. We got home on Sunday afternoon and spent the evening unpacking, doing laundry, packing lunches, preparing for the...
Snippets at the end of the year
December 24, 2024
It has been a long few weeks. My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. I wrote a short remembrance of her on my blog last week. Hers is a legacy of love...
On the way to the bus stop
November 8, 2024
On weekday mornings, early enough that the sun is still creeping up past the horizon, we bundle up in our jackets, grab the backpack, and walk to the bus...
Ask me what I am writing
October 25, 2024
I’ve had the links below sitting in my drafts folder for weeks. By now, you’ve probably read most of them because they’ve made the rounds online. Even still,...
First day of school
September 6, 2024
School started this week, and I haven’t been this nervous or excited in decades. I don’t remember my absolute first day of school ever—it was sometime when...
Cold water
June 28, 2024
There was a morning last week when everything was so still, it was as if the world was on pause, frozen in time, waiting for us to hit play so that the...
Asparagus season
May 24, 2024
There is an asparagus farm a stone’s throw away from our house, and every spring, I’m so thankful that it’s there. I didn’t grow up eating asparagus; it...
On poetry
May 10, 2024
In middle school and high school, I fancied myself a poet. I would carry a notebook around with me and scribble down thoughts and verses and turns of phrase...
There are mountains
April 19, 2024
The hotel room has a large wall of windows, floor to ceiling, stretching from one corner of the room to the other. It lets in the light in the morning and...
Grieving over what was lost
April 5, 2024
How do you grieve for something you’ve lost, when you knew all along that the something wasn’t meant to last forever? These past few weeks, I’ve been...
March 8, 2024
We spent last weekend at a spa. It was decadent and delightful: my parents were taking care of the little one for the weekend so L and I were able to have a...
Omakase (forty-two)
March 1, 2024
We celebrated my forty-second birthday last week by getting a babysitter and going out for sushi. There are many things I love about a sushi omakase: the...
Podcasting and the open web
February 9, 2024
Two of the many things that interest me: podcasts and the open web. I subscribe to about fifty podcasts (I don’t listen to every episode of each one, but...
January 19, 2024
This past October, we had one of the best meals we’ve ever had during our trip to New York. The whole experience was exquisite: the service was impeccable,...
In the snow
January 12, 2024
We took Zoya sledding a couple of days ago. She loved it. I didn’t grow up with an appreciation for winter. Ever since I was a child, I found it too cold,...
A year ending with nothing left to say
December 15, 2023
I had a coffee with a friend last week, and he remarked that I hadn’t sent out posted a “weekend reading” post/newsletter in several months. I showed him my...
The change of the seasons
September 29, 2023
The tree in our front yard starts turning yellow in late August. By the end of September, it has shed almost all of its leaves, leaving a dusting of golden...
Sounds of summer
July 21, 2023
The blue jays and the cardinals singing to each other as the sun begins to rise. The exuberant “hellos” from neighbors as you pass them on your morning walk...
Tell your friends you love them
June 9, 2023
Tell your friends you love them when you can. You never know when you may not be able to say it again.
When ChatGPT takes my job
May 12, 2023
I worry a lot about what will happen when machines take over my job. As someone who does a lot of writing for work, whether that be in briefing notes or...
Looking for delight
April 6, 2023
If you asked my what my favorite word in the world is, I’d say it’s a toss up between “delight” and “grace.” I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say about grace...
March 3, 2023
At this time last week, we were caught in a winter storm. It is the time of year for snow and ice; every February we hope that the winter will pass us by,...
Tennis lesson
February 3, 2023
During our recent vacation, I decided to take a beginner’s tennis lesson. I had taken a tennis lesson years before, when I was younger and spryer, but everything I learned in that lesson had already left me. I was starting fresh and anew.
I don’t have any hobbies
November 19, 2021
Growing up, I collected stamps. This probably comes as no surprise to most of you that know me: I’ve long been enthralled by all things related to postal...
New beginnings, new returns
June 25, 2021
After almost a year away, I return to work next week. Zoya will be starting daycare early in the week, and both L and I start work shortly after that. My...
No ideas to explore
May 30, 2021
I have nothing to say. No stories to tell, no insights to share, no ideas to explore. I’ve been sitting on this list of links for weeks now, waiting for...
Five nice things
April 23, 2021
Five nice things that passed through my mind this morning as I sat in front of my iPad and started to type: We have a magnolia tree in our front yard, and...
People are getting vaccinated
April 9, 2021
People I know are starting to get vaccinated. Depending on where they live, friends and family are starting to receive their COVID vaccines, and I couldn’t...
An inbox of newsletters
March 12, 2021
My inbox* is filled with newsletters. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when I was able to stay on top of things using my RSS reader, by following...
"The limits to your ambition were thus expected to be settled."
June 5, 2020
A few words from the pen of James Baldwin: Letter from a Region in My Mind, 1962: There is nothing new in this merciless formulation except the explicitness...
Out too early?
May 22, 2020
A bevy of the parenting books that I’m reading all refer to a fourth trimester: that a baby would normally stay in the womb for a few extra months if it was...
Forgiving myself for not being able to focus
May 15, 2020
The Pomodoro technique isn’t working for me anymore. Just a few months ago, I had no problems getting my work done in 25-minute chunks, and was able to do...
Wednesday afternoon coffee breaks
May 8, 2020
I think I'd like to try something, and need your help in figuring out if it's a good idea. I'd like to host mini "coffee breaks" every Wednesday afternoon at...
The cities and towns we have around us
May 1, 2020
When people asked me what I missed most about living in the big city, all of my answers involved access to things outside of the house. I would answer that I...
Words are how I understand how I feel
April 24, 2020
I don't make things with my hands, that often. Apart from the time I spend in the kitchen crafting meals, I'm not really someone who "makes" things,...
Third places after the pandemic
April 10, 2020
One of the questions that comes up often when we're having video chats, either at work or in our personal lives, is about the first place where we will go...
The sounds of the tea kettle
April 3, 2020
I have taken to listening, with conscious intention, to the sound of the kettle as I make my tea. The kettle always starts with a low hum, as if it is...
Finding it hard to write
March 27, 2020
When the pandemic shutdowns and closures started ramping up two weeks ago—when people were recommended to stay home and only go out for essential services—I...
Pandemic panic
March 13, 2020
It's hard not to panic when the state of the world is changing by the minute. Even for someone who is notorious for being level-headed and (perhaps too)...
To quiet the racing mind
February 28, 2020
A few unrelated, miscellaneous things that have been occupying my thoughts recently, in no particular order: 1. Jesse Wente, on our national broadcaster,...
Finding the things that you love
February 14, 2020
Today is Valentine's Day, and so I'm asking you to write a love letter. Last week, L and I went to a pop-up supper club hosted by a very talented couple who...
That’s okay
January 31, 2020
Some days, you have nothing to say. And that’s okay. Some days, you have so much on your mind and can’t figure out how to get it all out in a way that makes...
An orchestra outside
January 17, 2020
I’m not sure when I became someone who wears headphones over his ears every time he ventures out of the house. I’d like to blame audiobooks, or podcasts, or...
Ferry breakfast
January 3, 2020
Today, on the third day of the new year, I woke up thinking of ferry breakfast. The BC Ferries ships that head to the Southern Gulf Islands all have a small...
Slowing down at the end of the year
December 13, 2019
Our friends started receiving our Christmas cards in late November this year. December is always a busy month: between wrapping up things for the end of the...
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