vaguesteph newsletter: staring directly at the thing
here's another one page comic with color pencil!
i've been busy all week drawing the (preliminary version to a) first chapter of my thesis project :~) i'm really happy and exited to be working on this... i can't help but want to tell everyone!! attached follows a celebratory picture of a stack of pages.
the first chapter is not about battle angel: alita, so i guess the next one will be about that. if you have opinions about the manga/ ova/ new movie, feel free to write in and we can discuss!
in preparation for making this longer work, i also changed my grid, the pages and panels are a little shorter now (and have been so for the past two single page comics). it's nice not having to make drawings fit in long panels, though i guess i'm going to have to try and be less verbose. lol.
i hope you have a good week! ***
*if you want to talk to me or comment on anything, reply to this newsletter or email me at vaguesteph @ gmail.*