vaguesteph newsletter: expressing dissatisfaction
hi! it’s monday night again instead of sunday night. i spent yesterday resting. it’s good to have structure but it’s okay to break a structure!

ALTCOMICS — ig @avocado_ibuprofen
ig @avocado_ibuprofen
altcomics reposted this image from jaakkoo pallasvuo’s insta story (wow, i guess i cannot stop thinking about that artist?!)… and now i’m linking it here. that’s how the internet works, which is pretty wonderful.
not sure how i feel right now about jaakkoo’s insta comics- i think they certainly fit well with this idea of “expressing dissatisfaction in an interesting way”. i’ve already written a bit about how he seems really good at performing this cynical whiny world-hating male cartoonist persona, but can still break with it enough to make things come back around to ironic/ earnest/ heartfelt (for me)…
but i don’t think comics (or art) are *for* that (-> expressing aestheticized dissatisfaction for social capital), and i don’t think i want to resign myself to believing other people only read comics for that. some comics can be really good and hopeful. it’s okay to believe in that. <3
*if you want to talk to me or comment on anything, reply to this newsletter or email me at vaguesteph @ gmail.*