vaguesteph newsletter: comeback kid
vaguesteph newsletter has been renewed for season 2????!!! a new comic after three years!
vaguesteph newsletter has been renewed for season 2????!!! 😱
hello! i'm back!
i can't believe it myself, and i have so much to tell you- about the last three (gulp) years, about my thesis project (yes, i did write and draw a whole ass book! no publisher yet though 😬), about who vaguesteph _REALLY_ like *really* actually is (admin reveal), but i figured i'd start with this and take it slow. doing this newsletter from the beginning of 2019 to beginning of 2020 was a really cool and fun project for me, and i enjoyed sending comics to you a lot! i've been wanting to start it up again for a long time, but i was waiting for the perfect moment/ anxious to do it right. this is what i've got right now, and i can't promise you anything- i can only say: i do want to be with you in this form again and i'm exited for anything and everything that could happen. 💖
but first, i have to start with music and with credit where credit is due. the title of this comic comes from the sleigh bells song of the same name.
one of my favorite mixtapes for running is 2POP RELOADED: GAY RIGHTS! DELUXE EDITION by donatachi, and that's the one steph is listening to in the comic above. all of donatachis 2POP mixtapes are incredible, and their music is really good as well! vaguesteph recommends!!! and if you don't want to listen to an actual hour and 55 seconds of annoying music to get like, the *full* experience, here's vaguesteph's MUST LISTEN to understand my life and music taste: DUNE - can't stop raving. unironically this is one of the most beautiful songs TO ME. my problem is that i watched too many AMVs set to nightcore when i was like, 12, and now i will just be like this forever. and that's not actually a real problem because nightcore FUCKS and you know it. < /end random tangent >
anyways, the podcast that's referenced in the comic is called Completely Fucking Clueless, i enjoy listening to it a lot. the hosts Audrey and Sarah are so funny, relatable and real! the quote in the comic is from episode #43, "twenties advice we're trying to follow", at the 50:04 minute mark.
and of course, i must properly credit the memes used in this comic.
i give you:
- bisexual kaworu by ipostkaworu on instagram
- I LOVE MCR AND BEING A HATER by dykeparasite on tumblr
also, all text conversation and toot (this is mastodon's word for "tweet", all the cool people are on mastodon now in case you missed it!) screenshots in this comic were used with permission.
finally, i want to say thank you to my flatmates, my friends, my studiomates, to maustodon 🐭 bubble (especially leo, mauszfabrick and sunny), shout out the snail eye team, and especially thank YOU my dear reader. i hope you don't immediately unsubscribe because you decided "comics are stupid, actually" in the last three years or you have wrong opinions and violently hate nightcore. ;-)
all my love,
and to new beginnings hopefully,
xoxo vaguesteph
(lift each other up by hologender on instagram)
p.s.: please email me if you would like to see my vast collection of "little treat" and/or snack based memes.
*if you want to talk to me or comment on anything, simply reply to this newsletter or email me at vaguesteph @ gmail.*