This week on Uneasy Listening: Bridges!
Tap across the Tappan Zee with me this Sunday 8-11 eastern on WPRB! Requests welcome!
Here’s the year end show! I also have been playing my favorite songs of 2024 on Transistor Sister and various fill-in shows! And I will continue in Transistor Sister this week!
Seiji Tanaka - Saturday Night
Maria T - 11:59 (It's January)
DJ speaks over Stevie Wonder - Bam!
Jack Wild - (Holy Moses!) Everything's Coming Up Roses (interjections)
Superpitcher - Rabbits In A Hurry (Original Version) (rabbits)
DJ speaks over Fugazi - Combination Lock
Discharge - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles (east and west)
Ira Louvin - This is the Door (house parts)
The Third Rail - Overdose of Love (love 10th anniversary show)
Witches & the Warlock - Behind Locked Doors (locks and keys)
Angelic Upstarts - Let's Speed (uppers)
Bleach Boys - That Neutron Taste (taste)
The Prefab Messiahs - Franz Kafka (mutants)
Heavy Metal - Electric Jeans (hair dye color names)
DJ speaks over Sandy Nelson - Teen Beat
Električni Orgazam - Afrika (eastern bloc punk)
Conflict - Nails from the Sky (songs from 1983)
Rites Of Spring - Hidden Wheel (songs that remind people of me)
Thee Headcoats - (We Hate the Fuckin') NME (magazines)
Wipers - Warning (warnings)
DJ speaks over Giorgio - Tears
Mike Seeger & Peggy Seeger - Fire Down Below (fireworks and their consequences)
Cleoma Falcon - Ma Meilleure Valse (superlatives)
Ultimate Spinach - Ego Trip (crying)
Rich and Famous - Neutron Star (stars)
Eyes - Go Go Bee (stinging and biting insects)
2000 Dirty Squatters - Official Error (abc no rio)
Sinking Ships - The Cinema Clock (clocks)
DJ speaks over 48 Chairs - Samouri Swords
Tiny Voices - Please Write Back Soon (asking politely)
Silly Killers - Knife Manual (knives)
Gayle Welch - Day of Age (aging)
Halshug - Yderste Rand (walls and borders)
The Mamas & The Papas - Dream a Little Dream of Me (comforting songs)
Moon Mullican - I'll Sail My Ship Alone (being alone)
DJ speaks over Zakary Thaks - Face to Face
The Jam - The Gift (not being alone)
Date-x - Falskt alarm (fakes)
Optic Sink - A Face In the Crowd (faces)
Teleman - Skeleton Dance (bones)
DJ speaks over Jerry "Boogie" McCain - 728 Texas (Where the Action Is)
The Zombies - This Will Be Our Year