Into the Void
The First Dispatch
Hello and greetings to all my subscribers, old and new. I bet you forgot I have a Substack newsletter, didn’t you? I did too, until I glanced at my website and noticed, for the first time in awhile, that there’s a link along the header row that reads, “Subscribe To My Mailing List”. So here we are.
I can’t really think of anything to say right now, and that’s probably a problem. So for now, the content of these dispatches will probably be the same as my blog. But I’ll think of something more relevant as time goes on, I’m sure of it.
The plan is to send a dispatch out every month or so. And the plan is to keep it free, so you won’t have to pay for extended content or any of the other features that other Substack authors use. Not that I begrudge them those features; it’s just that I don’t really need to money right now. Should that change, you’ll likely hear about it on my blog, or here in this mailing list.
What I’m Working On:
I’m not keeping things secret here. For now, I’m still working on revisions to And the Devil May Drag You Under, my new novel. I hope to have the revisions done and put in place by June 21, which is probably extremely ambitious at this point.
I also have a couple of short stories in the works. More on those later.
My most recent publication is the short story “How the Old Ones Saved Christmas”. You can find it in the anthology LOLCraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor. Hopefully there will be more this year.
What I’m Reading:
A collection called Touching the Face of the Cosmos. It’s a collection of essays and science fiction short stories having to do with the intersection between religion and space travel. It’s an interesting book so far, though I have some quibbles with the editing.
Also, The Emotional Craft of Fiction. This is an incredible writing craft book, all about how to imbue more emotion and better relationships between characters in your writing. I’m about 2/3 of the way through, and I’ve already found it super useful.
And That’s It!
I hope you’re having a splendid day. Be safe, my friends, and don’t forget to be kind and have fun!