✨📱 31 new interactions added and a new blog and YouTube channel!
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Hey there! This week, I added 31 new interactions across 3 apps.
Last week was a very interesting one! I added a blog to the site, did a visual rebrand, began sharing progress reports and made two YouTube videos about my journey. I'm also on holiday in South Korea, so trying to share updates when I can! Here are recent apps added:
Airtime: Watch videos together
Tumblr: Social networking
Pigeon: NYC subway guide by Google
Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be putting out more videos and blog posts. Find me on Instagram if you want to follow along. Have a great week ahead!
Airtime is a chat app that lets you have video calls, watch videos together, listen to music and more in a chat room. It was founded by Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning of Facebook back in 2012 and they've been iterating and pivoting it ever since. Worth checking out for how they onboard users and get you to invite friends on the app. Also very interesting to see the complex interactions of chatting, video calling and watching a video at the same time.
Tumblr is a social network and blogging platform run by Yahoo. They've been around since 2007 but the app is super fresh. It uses small animations and microinteractions to explain the different functions in the app. Rather than revealing everything at once, it slowly reveals to you parts over your first thirty minutes of using it as you explore. Worth checking out for the playful microinteractions
Pigeon is an app by Area 120 at Google. They're an incubator within Google that works on new ideas and concepts for products. Still in it's early beta stages, Pigeon is an app for commuters in NYC to get crowdsourced, real-time status updates on which lines are running. During onboarding, you set up Home and Work addresses and you can then report issues. Worth checking out if you're living in New York or if you're interested to see what kind of products Google is up to on the side. The unlock code is SUBWAY.
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