What is the Price?
my latest Cthulhu Eternal module and upcoming DCC Day releases

Hiya folks
First email! Let me set some expectations here. I don’t plan to send emails on a regular cadence, only when I have something relevant to tell you about.
That said, I don’t want to just blast your inboxes with an ad three times a year. So. I guess I’ll be shooting for a happy medium.
what’s new
Just released a brand new module for Cthulhu Eternal. It’s called the Price of Progress, which is kind of a pun, since the main design goal of this one was to jam as many Vincent Price references into a single module as possible. My main collaborator, Gino Vasconcelos, did the art, and it looks great.
The page on the Twilit Grotto website has links to buy on itch, drive thru, etc.
I am wrapping up two contributions for DCC Day. Two A6 modules - a free one called “Safeworm” and a longer, paid one called “Uncertain Romance at the Violet Manse.” I’ll have more info on those at the website soon enough, but the only way to get them will be going to your LGS for DCC day.
Hard at work play testing and finishing the final draft for the longest module I’ve written, a Goth Arthurian space fantasy for DCC inspired by the Locked Tomb books. It’s going to be wild and I might try to finance a print run in hardcover. Hopefully, I will release a promotional funnel adventure well in advance to introduce some of the custom rules and the setting.
And there’s Zinequest, if I can get my act together for that!
notes and recommendations
Robin Sloan’s newsletter remains very good
Read three books this month: Emily Wilson’s Iliad translation (great), Mr Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore (also great, and it reminded me to check in on Robin Sloan, which led me to his newsletter) and The Soft Machine by William Burroughs (which reminded me why I hadn’t read any Burroughs for like 15 years)
Most fun I’ve had has been introducing my kid to Community, and I am thrilled to report that she enjoys it
On the gaming front: read The Shrike, which is super good, and an older Kickstarter that I hadn’t yet dug into, the Isle of Joy, which I would also highly recommend
Work and holiday holdover has interfered with my gaming somewhat: the above mentioned Goth space fantasy playtesting has been pretty much all I’ve been running. I’m playing a halfling rogue in an AD&D 2E game. I’ll be handing the referee reins of my regular weekly group over to one of my players to run the Brandon Sanderson RPG. After that I’m hoping to run some Break.
Probably should also mention that I’m attempting to blog a solo playthrough of Heinrich’s Guide to Carcosa as well.
find me
Would love to know I’m not posting into the void here, so:
I’ll be at GaryCon in March!
email me matt@twilitgrotto.com
Talk to you soon, I hope! I intend to send out another one of these once all my DCC day details are finalized.
fat dog for midterms,