Join our Community Calls on Governance and Confirm Your Subscription to Receive Future Newsletters via Buttondown
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Dear Turing Way Friends,
📢 Important request to confirm your newsletter subscription: In response to Tinyletter's shutdown, we're switching our newsletter platform to Buttondown.
Please take a moment to confirm your subscription in a separate email from us via Buttondown. You can also directly subscribe -- We won't move your data without your consent. We really value your engagement, and hope that you'd like to continue receiving updates from us.
Look out for some exciting news and updates from the project team and community below, including the following:
🗓️ Our Community Call is on 15 February, 15:00 - 16:30 UTC. We'd love to see you there--Your involvement is important for shaping the direction of The Turing Way.
⚒️ The Infrastructure Working Group is prototyping GitHub repositories for managing different subprojects under the GitHub organisation - join the conversation.
🌍 We have been busy with open source events in Europe. Read some of our highlights from these conferences.
Find more updates and opportunities in the 'Community News' and 'Opportunities in The Turing Way orbit' sections below. To keep up to date with community events, subscribe to our shared calendar here. 📅
To connect with the community in real-time, join our Slack workspace, or follow the project on Twitter, Fosstodon, and Linkedin.
Community News and Updates
Illustration by Scriberia showing community as a garden and members as gardeners. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
Join us at our new monthly calls
This year, we are introducing two new sets of calls: Community Calls for sharing governance and project updates, and Onboarding Calls for new members to ensure they have an opportunity to get a warm welcome to our community.
Save the Date for our Community Call
On 15 February from 15:00 to 16:30 London time (in your timezone), we will host our first Community Call to engage members of our community in governance discussions.
This new set of bi-monthly calls will provide an open forum for sharing project updates, discussing governance-related work and inviting feedback and involvement from our community. By opening up these discussions to everyone, our aim is to foster transparency and improve our decision-making process within The Turing Way. These calls will also serve as an opportunity to explore and exchange insights about various projects, Working Groups, and sub-communities that have taken root within The Turing Way, both formally established and organically emerged.
To receive the joining link, please register here.
Onboarding Calls
We successfully hosted our first onboarding call of 2024 on 31 January. These calls are hosted every two months, where we will meet new members and create a space for them to connect with our community and available resources, ensuring they have the support they need to navigate and kickstart their journey with The Turing Way. These calls create an open space for questions, discussions, and a warm welcome for you into our community.
Sign up for our next call on 27 March at 15:00 London time (in your timezone)
You can read more about the onboarding calls in the shared note.
Recurring Community Meetings ☕
All are welcome to these calls, no sign-up is needed! ✨
Collaboration Cafe: The next call is on 21 February, 15:00-17:00 UTC (see in your time zone). Feel free to drop in to meet the community, do some focused writing, or otherwise -- more information on Etherpad.
Core Team Coworking Calls: every Monday, 11:00 UTC (see in your time zone). Find the joining link on this shared Etherpad.
Translation and Localisation Bi-Weekly Meetings: every other Wednesday at 14:30 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on translation and localisation efforts across several languages, and for learning more about the work of the team. Find more information in the #translation channel on Slack.
Infrastructure Monthly Meetings: every second Thursday of the month, at 16:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on infrastructure support, and for learning more about the work of the team. Find more information in the #infrastructure channel on Slack.
Accessibility Monthly Meetings: every second Monday of the month, at 17:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for planning monthly sprints and co-working on access-related chapters and upcoming guide. Find more information in the #accessibility channel on Slack.
Community Calendar
📅 Check out our 2024 events calendar to learn more about what is happening in the community.
✨ If you are attending an event and would like to meet folks from across the community, please share that with us.
Community News
Read our November Book Dash report
Thank you to the November 2023 Book Dash Committee for planning a successful event this past November!
The November 2023 Book Dash report is now online. We are grateful for the work of Arielle Bennett, Emma Karoune, Esther Plomp, Sarajeet Kaur, Liz Hare, Winny Nekesa and Susana Roman Garcia – all members of the Book Dash Planning Committee alongside Alex and Anne. This is the first time we have completed and release this report collaboratively, and we're grateful for the time and care it took to prepare.
You can now read the November report on our Github repository.
While we are still processing the images from this Book Dash, here are a few images from Scriberia below:

Join the discussion on changes on our infrastructure
As you know, The Turing Way now has its own Github organisation, which was a massive piece of work led by the Infrastructure Working Group. They are now managing the distribution of different kinds of resources from our main repository to several specific community-maintained repositories. This will allow repositories to be more manageable, such as by specific Working Groups and easier to navigate for new members.
We would like to invite you to join the discussion in the issue #3352.
Please join the #infrastructure channel on slack for more information as well.
Moving to a Permanent Domain Name
Since its launch, The Turing Way has utilised Netlify to host our book online at We have been discussing the possibility of switching hosting platforms in the near future. However, to minimise the impact on our readers and user community, we have decided to 'finally' purchase our own domain name (so you don't need to worry about the backend!).
While this may sound like trivial news, we value your choices and opinions in making this permanent change. You can participate in the voting and discussion under the issue #3266.
Illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
Updates from FOSDEM and join us at Open Research Online Devroom talks!
We attended FOSDEM on 4-5 February along with many of our community contributors and leaders.
FOSDEM is a free event for open source developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of F/OSS projects from all over the world gather at this event in Brussels.
Open Research Online Devroom talks 2024 on 10 February
Please join us in the second part of Open Research Devroom online, taking place this Saturday, 10 February!
Join us at this free event – no prior sign-ups needed! ✨
Some Shout Outs from FOSDEM
Jim Madge gave a presentation on Saturday, 4 February representing the Infrastructure Working Group in his talk in the Open Research devroom: Briding Contributor's Knowledge and the Technology of The Turing Way, an Open Guide for Data Science. Watch the video on the FOSDEM 2024 website.
This year, Anne (me!), joined the organising team of Open Research Room Devroom, having given a talk about The Turing Way at FOSDEM 2023. The organising team and the speakers included some of our current and previous contributors (details).
In the Community Devroom, Mike Nolan and Stephen Jacob featured The Turing Way in their talk sharing about OpenRIT's fellowship program that draws lessons from existing projects including The Turing Way and OLS (Open Life Science), both of which have their roots in the Mozilla Open Leadership program.

Recap of Our Engagement in European Open Source Conferences
It has been a busy week of information and connections at various open source conferences across Europe. Here's a quick recap of our engagements:
Software Heritage Symposium at UNESCO - February 1:
Malvika participated in this symposium, listening to panels discussing Open Source software policies, open science communities, generative AI, and the vital role of software preservation.
Diverse delegates from the United Nations, UNESCO, European and U.S. government departments, private companies, and non-profit organisations contributed to enriching discussions and networking sessions.
OpenForum Europe's Open Source Policy Summit - February 2:
Malvika attended this summit in Brussels, featuring expert panels and keynotes by influential speakers, as well as networking opportunities with them.
The discussions delved into EU and international policies on open source, covering topics such as open-source AI, security and resilience, competitive advantages and government funding.
Insightful presentations highlighted the significance of the EU AI Act, Cyber Resilience Act, EU's Open Source Strategy, along with data from a recently published paper by Hoffman, Nagle, and Zhou evaluating the value of open source.
FOSDEM 2024 - February 3-4:
The event featured over 50 Developers Rooms, several keynotes and lightning talks, ranging across the entire ecosystem of open source. All talks and presentation materials have been shared online. We shared about Anne's participation in the organisation of Open Research and talks about The Turing Way earlier, which can also be watched online.
Malvika also attended the event listening to selected talks, meeting collaborators and networking with researchers and developers joining from different parts of the world. Shout out to our colleagues from Code for Science and Society, Invest in Open Infrastructure, OLS, eScience Center Netherlands, CHAOSS, SciLifeLab and many more organisations, as well as attendees from RedHat, Linux, InnerSource Commons, Python, Google, GitHub, IBM, and many start-ups and non-profit organisations who discussed their work with our team.

OpenUK's State of Open Con 2024 - February 6-7:
Right after FOSDEM, our team members, Emma Karoune, Alexandra Araujo Alvarez, Anne, and Malvika, joined by our previous Practitioners Hub Expert Raphael Sonabend and contributor David Perez-Suarez showcased The Turing Way at a booth during the conference's delegate exhibition.
They engaged with representatives from government departments, private companies, funders, non-profit organisations and consultants, building new connections with researchers at all career levels.
Malvika's talk on embedding community awareness in open source within the Government, Law, and Policy track sparked meaningful conversations on community building and the ethical roles of AI technology.

Talks and Workshops
Kirstie Whitaker gave a keynote at the Danish National Data Science PhD Meetup on "How can we get better at working out in the open?" on 31 January 2024. Slides on Zenodo
Jim Madge gave a talk "Briding Contributor's Knowledge and the Technology of The Turing Way, an Open Guide for Data Science" at FOSDEM on 4 February 2024. Slides on Zenodo
Malvika Sharan gave a talk at the HHMI Peer Review Training on 17 January discussing the relevance of open science and reproducibility in peer review. Slides on Zenodo
On 27 January, Malvika joined a panel on "Accessibility of Science in the Digital Age", hosted by UCL Leaders 2024, a conference aimed at creating a platform for Polish students from University College London to discuss domestic affairs from an external perspective.
On 6 February, Malvika gave a talk at State of Open Con 2024 about Embedding Community Awareness: 'Do No Harm' Principle in Open Source. Slides on Zenodo.

Get involved + Connect with us!
You are welcome to join The Turing Way community, and learn more about the project.
If you'd like to contribute to the next newsletter, please email Anne Lee Steele at! Feel free to send her a message on Slack, or book some time in on Anne's calendly to say hello.
Did you miss the last newsletters? Check them out here.