The AI Christmas Quiz – bonus festive newsletter
If you read my previous grouchy message, you'll know that this spectacular Christmas Quiz edition was on its way.
I realise that every single one of you will have better things to do with your time than take part in this, but there is a 🥳 special charity prize 🥳 up for grabs for those with staying power.
It's ultra lo-fi to enter, just email me at this address with your answers. If you are the lucky winner I'll give £25 to a charity of your choice (or if it's a dead heat, the person who replied first). Closing date is 28 December 2023, officially the midpoint of the festive perineum.
There are two points available for each of the six beautifully-rendered AI images below. To earn these you need to:
Name the famous Scottish person
Name the Christmas-themed/festive film they're starring in
🍀 Bonne chance!

🎅 Feliz Navidad!