Big, clumsy, hairless cats
After my last Grinch-who-stole-Substack post, I thought I would lighten the mood a little and take it down a notch or two. It all got a bit serious, didn’t it? What an old grump.
I also thought it’d be nice to say hello to a clutch of new subscribers: “Hello!” 👋 and thank you, it’s a pleasure to have you here.
There’s no small irony in the fact that my sudden Substack departure coincided with an influx of new sign-ups, which just shows you what a brilliant strategic player I am [sobs as subscriber list collapses in on itself].
When I recently wrote about my frustrations about the framing of AI, I mentioned a range of non-AI topics that I wanted to cover off over the coming weeks.
Some of those topics have made the transition into draft posts, some are still germs of ideas. I will get to them, however in the interests of serenity I thought I’d focus on a post that’s free of snark and doesn’t involve me furrowing my brow and gritting my teeth as I type furiously.
So this one is about cats.

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In honour of our family acquiring two (two!) new kittens last week, and also that tired old trope about haha the internet being full of haha cat videos, here is some cat content to leave you feline good. Haha.
A few years ago my wife sent me an article about the theory that cats don’t think of us as humans, but rather as “big, clumsy, hairless cats”.
This never fails to amuse me when I think about it because a) I love the inherent cat superiority of it all, and b) a large, lumbering doofus feels like quite an accurate reflection of my standing in the world.
Inspurrational cat content
🐱 Kittens inspired by kittens
It’s ancient but it still makes me laugh. Double head!
😹 Big Billy
My sister introduced us to Big Billy – or rather The Kiffness song inspired by Big Billy – a couple of months ago and now he’s part of our daily life.
⚖️ I’m not a cat
The best courtroom scene since Jack Nicholson got all wide-necked/red-faced in A Few Good Men.
😱 Chaos
The feline equivalent of a UK Gov Cabinet meeting, I imagine.
🎹 Keyboard Cat
Keyboard Cat was the meme of choice long before the social medias took over our lives. There's a fascinating story of how it all came to be too. Play 'em off, Keyboard Cat!
So there we go: Cats! A pawfect light-hearted topic. I'm sure I'll get back to brow-furrowing shortly, but it's been a pleasant little interlude.
👋 Thank you for reading.