2023 in a mixtape
Here's a selection of new music I've enjoyed over the course of 2023, plus a couple of notable re-releases:
Long Player
Mixtapes, eh? They used to be such a constant in life. Years before the ease of the shuffle button, the joy and effort of choosing a bunch of tracks and putting them in a specific order was a glorious pastime indeed.

Creating the cover art and track listing could be pretty special too: carefully cutting out a piece of card to fit inside a cassette box or, a bit later on, a CD case – although I’m pretty sure I only went to this additional effort if I was trying very hard to impress someone (note to self: this never worked).
Despite the simplicity of the tech now, I rarely put together playlists. If I do it tends to be accompany a run or workout, and even then it’s usually pulled from a familiar back catalogue or occasionally stuff that an algorithm has thrown my way.
A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who mentioned he'd compiled a list of his favourite music of the year. He kept a one track per artist rule, and as long as it was released in 2023 it made the grade. “What a good idea!” I exclaimed, and promptly did the same. We shared our respective lists which revealed quite a few doubles, but also introduced me to some songs and artists I’d never heard before, and am now listening to on repeat.
So here’s my list if you fancy a listen. Maybe you’ll find a gem or two you never knew existed:
HNY, when it comes!
Christmas Quiz answers
In my last post I set an extraordinarily sophisticated AI Quiz. It was a close run thing, but one lucky person romped off with the prize. In case you've been on tenterhooks, here are the answers:
Annie Lennox / Gremlins
The Proclaimers / Home Alone 2
Ewan McGregor / The Grinch
Sean Connery / A Muppet Christmas Carol
Janette (or Jimmy) Krankie / Die Hard
Lulu / Elf