Word Tracking Spreadsheet for 2024
Back in 2011, while doing NaNoWriMo, I realized that being able to track my wordcount and see a positive result on a graph really helped keep me focused. I was able to see that even though I had low days (and even zero days), I still made progress. And more importantly, those low/zero days didn't keep me from achieving my goal. The average and forward motion were more important than hitting par every day for me.
This inspired me to create a word tracking spreadsheet where I could track multiple projects and see that same kind of growth over each month, and over the entire year.
I'm not sure exactly when I started sharing this spreadsheet, but it has become an annual event since that time. I love seeing people respond that the spreadsheet has helped them with their writing, or helped them to focus.
It has changed over the years. I've added different ways to see the data, and methods for viewing change over time. Some of it only applies to fic writers (tracking AO3 stats), but that's okay, as fanfic writing is still writing! All words are awesome words, and I definitely value fic for how it helps those of us who write it roll around in techniques and ideas, working them out in a space with less stress.
I posted the 2024 Word Tracking Spreadsheet yesterday, probably the earliest I've ever managed to get it finished. Which is honestly a little impressive since going into a leap year and coming out of a leap year require the most fixes to the sheet (silly extra day changing how things calculate!). But one of the big changes I've made has been improving the automation, which actually makes the year-to-year updates much easier.
If you're already a user of the spreadsheet, I hope it continues to help you in your progress. If you've never tried it and think it might help you with your focus, I hope it does! I have links to the three places I posted it below, and each contains a link to the actual blank spreadsheet, and to a Google doc of detailed instructions for how to use it.
2024 Word Tracking Spreadsheet on TrisLawrence.com
2024 Word Tracking Spreadsheet on Pillowfort
2024 Word Tracking Spreadsheet on Tumblr
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask.
For those who write, I hope 2024 will be an incredible year for you.
- Tris
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