March (late) Newsletter...
March certainly went out with a bang.
In the space of a week...
• We had a storm that was supposed to drop a few inches, and instead left us with ice, a foot of snow, and a 30ish hour power outage
• Our cat bit our dog (dog is okay, but needed stitches--the household is upended by the need to keep them all apart for a while, though)
• My allergies decided to try to ruin my capability to breathe
• We had a very swiftly planned Easter Eve family dinner with my kids all home and my folks coming over (and of course, all associated house cleaning that was required)
The last two weekends have not left any time to truly rest. I mean, yes, I rested while we had no power because I couldn't do anything else, but then I had to recover from that and do all the things that couldn't be done during the week.
It's been hectic.
And now, as I'm doing my best to breathe deep and settle down, I'm getting fresh new doom & gloom weather predictions about a storm coming mid-week. Meanwhile, work is absolute chaos this week (and I have to be on campus for it) so... yeah. No time to rest!
Anyway. I'm very sorry that this newsletter is late. I meant to draft it this weekend, but I literally was not home for most of it, and when I was, I was cleaning before and after the family gathering.
(You see, I’m absolutely failing at professional this month. /Exhales)
Publications and Progress…
No new for sale publications or submissions this month. I have been slowly poking at actually outlining Run Together, which is the next book in the Welcome to PHU serial. Fingers crossed I can get to drafting that this summer. I’m blocking myself on it because I know I still have other things to do first.
I’m also working with my artist on the cover for Finding Their Roots, but it’s not done yet. You’ll get to see it when it’s all set and the book goes up for sale, I swear!
I did write two blog posts! Both were published on my blog, Dreamwidth, Pillowfort, and Tumblr—yes, you can find me everywhere.
On Writing Combat and Sex Scenes (Blog | DW | Pillowfort | Tumblr)
…that storm was NOT supposed to be like that (Blog | DW | Pillowfort | Tumblr)
I have more blog posts in the works; hopefully I can squeeze some time out to allow me to write them.
Goals for the Month…
This month I am hoping to be able to finalize the production of Finding Their Roots so that I can get it up for ordering.
Ideally, I will also finish up the first half of the outline for Run Together and for Bound By Desire (the next Seven Lakes book). If you want snippets of those at newsletter time, or spoilers, join my Patreon. That’s where I chatter on about the “secret” stuff. You can watch the Patreon for free (and will see this same newsletter monthly!), but if you support me, you get occasional behind the scenes bits. Hopefully those will be getting more interesting when I start writing!
Upcoming Appearances
My next convention is still Balticon, at the end of May, in Baltimore, Maryland. I will be there on my own, on programming, and will not be vending (although I will have copies of my books for interested parties).
I will also be helping out with an upcoming Duck Prints Press vending event at the end of April, so keep an eye out for signal boosts about that!
If you’re curious to see snippets as I work, all levels of my Patreon are treated to early chapters of PHU when it is posting, as well as behind-the-scenes looks at works in progress.
And find me on social media if you want to chit-chat or just hear me natter on about life, writing, and fandom. I’m tryslora everywhere!
Thank you for reading Tris Talks...!
If you are interested in supporting my work, you can find me on Patreon and on Ko-Fi for one time tips.