Next Show 12th February & DRAFT Workshops & Podcast Season 2
Happy New Year everyone-
OUR NEXT SHOW IS ~A MONTH AWAY! - 12th February 2024
Click here for EARLYBIRD tickets - last few days

True Story is starting the year with another night of true personal stories told live at 21Soho on 12th February! Expect the usual eclectic mix, with stories about life as a teen tennis star, saying yes-maybe-no to the dress, betrayal and forgiveness, coming out as a vegetarian, parent-child abduction, and more. We'll again feature original songs inspired by a few of the stories, all hosted by our lovely and lively MC Victoria Dry.
The discounted EARLYBIRD tickets are ON SALE NOW. If you book soon, tickets are just £9 (£6 concession) - you can grab yours here.
Next Monthly DRAFT Workshop is Monday - 15th January (7 pm start)
"This isn't just a workshop, it's a community." -- overheard at the last DRAFT
Our DRAFT sessions are all about sharing and workshopping stories with a nice group of friendly and insightful people. We'd love to welcome you in. Book your place as a storyteller or listener here.
The workshops are held near London Bridge station (next dates: 15th Jan, 19th Feb, 11th Mar). Starting Monday, we're at a new pub - The King's Arms Borough. DRAFT is free or donation-based to attend, and prior signup is required - you can do that here.
Season 2 of our PODCAST is out now
We've launched the second installment of the True Story London podcast, featuring stories & interviews with Clair, Ayanda, Joe, Dee, Michael, Jess, Maria and Donna. The season, produced by our own uber-talented Ellis Ballard, ends with a special bonus episode featuring music from our first two Soundtrack shows in 2023. Take a listen on any major platform, and if you like what we're doing, please rate and review us! Learn about the episodes at, our dedicated podcast website.
We're doing a VERY special event on Wednesday, 21st February at 21Soho. Mark your calendar and watch here for details.
We hope to see you soon!
Michelle & the True Story London team
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