🎉🎉🎉 Some fun things from the internet! [Episode 12]
Hello, friend!
I'm keeping it light again this time!
Here's just a few fun things from the internet:
- Jon Batiste performing What a Wonderful World. If you aren't familiar with Jon's music, this might be a great introduction. If you haven't heard it: It's not like you think it is!
- Epic Rap Battles Of History does: Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker. This may be their finest episode. The writing and the puns are absolutely top notch.
- Cory Wong's YouTube series "How To Musician". It's an eight part series, and if you're a musician you must watch these! I linked here to Episode 4, which I think even non-musicians should watch. Cory goes deep into IDENTITY and it's just great.
Whew! Tommy, that's all music, or music-adjacent! Anything non-musical?
Yes! I just didn't make time to editorialize anything, and I wanted to send these over to you before I forgot. =)
Someone tweeted this quote and I think I felt seen?
I think I could teach a Masterclass on doing a lot of things well, but not being good enough at any one thing to teach a Masterclass on.
😆 😅
Speaking of emoji
I think my most used emoji over the last couple months has been the "sweat smile" face: 😅
Been doing a lot of nervous laughter, for various reasons. You can relate, right?
I've been listening to the audio book version of "Because Internet" by Gretchen McCulloch. The subtitle is "Understanding the New Rules of Language" and it's a lot about how the internet changed/changes our language.
It's a fun, somewhat nerdy read about linguistics and internet culture, and I think you might like it!
Shameless plug
I released an album last year! The artist/project name is Cuatro Cuatro Cero! (Link is to Spotify, but it's available just about everywhere).
It's "wooshy"! A couple folks said they absolutely love to put it on while studying or working. I love to hear that!
What about you?
Feels like we haven't caught up in a while!
What's good?