He's here! It's pub day for A Gentleman's Gentleman

Thank you, everyone who preordered or buys this book (and/or the UK edition). I honestly did not think it was ever going to see the light of day for a few years there. The fact that it exists as something you can hold in your hands or listen to with your ears is a testament to how weird the world is sometimes.
As Marsha P. Johnson said, "History isn't something you look back at and say it was inevitable, it happens because people make decisions that are sometimes very impulsive and of the moment, but those moments are cumulative realities."
(TJ, are you really putting a quote from The Marsha P. in a newsletter about your silly kissing book? ← hey that is a good point, but the older I get, the more I think it is all of our work, even the silly, that is part of that cumulative reality.)
Queer, trans, and intersex people have always been here. We will always be here. Our history is real. Stonewall would not exist without people of color. Pride would not exist without trans women. Governments can try to erase that from the public record, but they can’t erase our collective memory.
Today I will be making a donation to the Transgender Law Center. I invite you to do something—literally anything in your power—for someone who needs it right now.
For all time, and always striving,
TJ (xoxo)
Some miscellaneous links:
My March events in NYC, Boston, Tucson, & online (please wear a mask at in-person events!)
something to do with a free afternoon
i have been laughing at this song for days
Thanks for reading!
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