Roof Nails & Toothpicks
“We need to be deriched.”
February 17, 2025
Now there are some who think they confute a speaker the moment they ask,“What then ought we to do?” To these I will give the fairest and truest answer: Not...
Unpunctual in 2024
January 4, 2025
“Was everything beautiful so bold?” she asks. And always the answer is yes. There is always a daring to beauty, a perfection of act lifted whole from...
Genesis in January
January 10, 2024
It is a strange feeling to be utterly dependent for everything on the help of others. But in any case, one learns in such times to be grateful and hopefully...
All-in October
November 17, 2023
Mother I never knew, every time I see the ocean, every time — ~Kobayashi Issa~ Happy (mid) November (at this point)! Sorry for the delay. As Mainers like to...
Bitter Sweet September
October 4, 2023
Open your eyes, Dream but don't guess. Your biggest surprise Comes after Yes. Muriel Rukeyser Happy October! The road has officially called us home! Betty...
August Apprisals
September 8, 2023
One of the main reasons wealth makes people unhappy is that it gives them too much control over what they experience. They try to translate their own...
Jumbo July Mumbo
August 7, 2023
Sometimes I was grateful because I knew I ought to be, sometimes because I wanted to be, and sometimes a sweet thankfulness came to me on its own, like a...
June Bug Jollifications
July 8, 2023
...and I was rescued by a revelation so tiny it would take a crazy and holy attention to see it as such. ~Christian Wiman~ A happy July to you all! I might...
May Mumbo Jumbo
June 8, 2023
Emptiness of time despite it being filled—"Fulfilled" time is very different love ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, LPP~ Happy June from Bozeman/Sidney, I'm currently...
April Ameliorations
May 11, 2023
(Sent on May 8, 2023) Some people are more certain of everything than I am of anything. ~Robert Ruben~ Greetings and May tidings from Bozeman, I realized...
March Goodness
May 11, 2023
(Sent on April 2, 2023) Yet at this point it becomes quite clear that only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity." ~Deitrich...
February Frenzy
May 11, 2023
(Sent on February 20, 2023) Greetings, A happy Quinquagesima to you all. (Though you'll probably get this tomorrow, so . . . Happy Monday!) I have been...
Micro Blog
Commonplace Blog