"i ask if your rut has started and you’re laughing?"
Good morning!!! If you are reading this we are now in day FOUR OF NO ELECTION RESULTS. We are also living in the first moment of human history in twelve years that we no longer have to wonder if Destiel will ever become canon.* Also, allegedly, Putin has promised to resign. This part admittedly seems like horseshit. The credibility is very very bad…… but the jokes… the jokes are very very good. This is the most fun the internet has been since 1. Donald Trump got coronavirus 2. we found out that Dan is Gossip Girl. I’m sure you can guess what today’s meme roundup is going to be about.
Macdennis NO doubt.
*Yeah blah blah blah I could give a whole TED talk on whether or not this lukewarm acknowledgement that they might have some form of affection for each other, or rather that one of them might have some form of affection for the other, even counts as canonization of the last great American queerbait given that the one who actually says it is then immediately DRAGGED TO TURBO HELL — for example, does the problematic aspect of burying your gays immediately nullify any potential benefit? Is this just Queliot F/W 2020? (For the record, I know people who love AND people who hate how that went down and you’re all valid or whatever. I have arbitrarily decided, based on nothing more than my contrarian tendencies and personal love of misery, that actually it’s a bold commitment to consistency in storytelling and revisionist adaptation and that I therefore endorse it. I have never watched or read The Magicians) — but who cares!!!!!!! It has been a WEEK and we still don’t know who the president-elect is. Is a man not entitled to little a reductionism, as a treat? “No,” says the discourser on the TL, “that belongs to the problematic.” “No,” says the TV recapper who gets paid a freelancer’s wage for a full-time job without benefits, “that belongs to the livetweeter.” “No,” says the Supernatural diehard, who has been waiting more than a decade for this, “that belongs to those who have EARNED THEIR OPINIONS ON THIS SUBJECT.” I chose something different… I chose to drink half a bottle of Chianti and write this newsletter. Don’t worry — I wrote this last night.