"Father is unyielding? Father is incapable of love?"
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!

(About eight times a week I put on James McAvoy’s ludicrous louche “heterochrooOOOOOoomia” accent and say to Dylan, “AuDAcious, Erik, auDAAAcious!”)

(About eight times a week I also put on an exaggerated flat affect, steeple my hands in front of my face, turn dramatically to Dylan, and say, “And how does that make you FEEEEEEEEEL?”)

All right. That’s it for today. I know that was more than ten images but does anything really matter? I’ll be back with one more of these for tomorrow, containing my personal best-of, as in “best of what was left.” I hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into both my marriage and the random images I accidentally send to my coworkers and people who I would like to respect and/or employ me (not necessarily the same category) instead of, say, my resumé.
Bonus evergreen reminder: