timwise - blog posts, lead dev capacity & rust
Hi all,
Blog to email
I’ve now set up buttondown that I use to send this newsletter to also read the blog rss feed and ping you new articles I post as sometimes I write there and sometimes I write here.
C# Named Arguments (blog post)
In case you’re interested this was the last blog post, on a point of C# code style: https://timwise.co.uk/2023/04/18/always-add-argument-names/
Two-stage commitment trap (blog post)
… and before that, I wrote this piece on an interesting trap in human behaviour and miscommunication: https://timwise.co.uk/2023/04/06/the-trap-of-two-stage-commitments/
Lead dev’ing
In other news, I’ve finished a contract and am hunting around for interesting c# lead developer contracts to do next. Shout if you know of anywhere that could use my “unique” skills :-)
Rust Workshop
I’m also chipping away at building a new software consultancy/agency specializing in Rust, which is a very interesting upcoming language with some unique features. https://rustworkshop.co/
And finally, if you have many git repos (think microservices) then I have finished writing this tool, which helps with that: https://github.com/timabell/gitopolis