Things I learned while looking up other things, 2023.02.11
Dear friends,
Today I'm in that most modern of purgatories, the time between having been exposed to Covid (and feeling a little iffy, maybe some fatigue, a tickling in the throat, a slight rise in temperature) and the positive test. (Perhaps I'll yet escape? Ugh.)
But! Although I know you, gentle reader, would completely understand if I took to the couch with some soothing novels (been thinking lately of re-reading Thirkell, and thinking even more about why no one has picked up the obvious idea of writing about Barsetshire in this century, sort of an extended Trollope Universe, as it were) but I would feel antsy all day, so here we both are!
So, no further ado, etc.
I love a good website that is basically "enjoy far too many photographs of somebody's obsession" and Magical Trash fits the bill exactly.
Related: an annotated version of the handwritten ms of Anne of Green Gables.
A new(ish) way to browse for books: scan through this collection of great opening lines.
Under the heading "once you see it you can't unsee it": the Hitler teapot.
Fighting lightning with lasers? Cool. Fighting inflation by building clean energy infrastructure? Smart. Going to Mars? Stupid.
"Orwell’s error was that he was encoding a fashion as if it were a principle." (I heartily agree.)
If you're in the SF Bay area, you might want to drop in on Cathenge.
Stay well!
Your friend,