things, week 26, 2024

Cassidy Williams shares what it’s like to be a personal software engineer for a billionaire:
Both of them work on absolutely random projects that range from app prototypes to… fixing submarines. It blows my mind. I asked one of them how their now-billionaire friend has changed and he said, “eh, he drives a much nicer car to the grocery store, and travels really, really well, but the rest is kind of the same.”
Winnie Lim on why she writes quotes and poems in a notebook:
I didn’t understand why buddhist monks copy scriptures, but through the process of writing in my notebook I think I know why. The act of copying something, rewriting it down, makes an indent on the mind. Through the mere act of copying: the power of the quote – why it had affected me so deeply – is regenerated again.
I find myself wanting to drag the email and the calendar event into the top of this note, so that they appear as two cards above what I write from the meeting: the email card on the top left, and the calendar event to its right, letting me quickly find and reference any needed details from either, whether now or far into the future. But this simply isn’t possible; I can’t break through the barriers of these windows. I also can’t return to this workspace in the future: I’ve collected some related things together; finding and arranging them is some amount of work, yet this workspace is volatile. I’ll have to do this work again anytime I need these things gathered back together.
Via Luke Mitchell, who recently shared how he finds and shares his excellent bookmarks.
A whole bunch of sound effects from the BBC.
You can grab Nokia’s classic 3310 cellphone font.
I hope you can escape time this weekend.
~ Guy