things, week 22, 2024

↑ From Sky Cowboys by Matt Fain
Jaime Derringer, founder of Design Milk, and online curator of 22 years, asks herself: So what does “sharing things on the Internet” look like for me now? in Outgrowing my brand and social media.
I’m in a similar boat. I have never reached her level of success, but I’ve run some version of things to click for about 19 years. I also ran a blog about my town for about a decade. I hired writers, sold ads, got interviewed by the Baltimore Sun and other local papers, held events, and even started an LLC. But site traffic dwindled and that blog closed. And now I run this labor of love … or ingrained habit? I don’t know.
Enough navel gazing, if you’ve been online for a bit, read Derringer’s article. It will resonate.
How it feels to get an AI email from a friend: “It felt like getting a birthday card with only the prewritten message inside, and no added well-wishes from the wisher’s own pen. An item off the shelf, paid for and handed over, transaction complete.”
Prairie Madness, filing under things I didn't know were a thing.
I’ve always liked lists of lists. In this case, a list of blog directories.