things, week 19, 2024

↑ Cafe by anh, also used as the cover for her week notes isnpired by The New Yorker.
Designer Mike Monteiro on the definition of we: “I kept getting stuck on the word we. We say we a lot and I don’t think we actually mean it. I think most of the time we mean me and mine. Which on the one hand, is totally understandable. We’re pack animals. We want to protect what’s close to us. But the more beautiful and magnificent version of the word we contains more people that we cannot see than people we can see. It contains people that we will never meet, but also some that we will, and we needed it build this [the internet] for them too. Strike that: we needed to build this with them.”
Poet Donald Hall on third things in relationships: “Third things are essential to marriages, objects or practices or habits or arts or institutions or games or human beings that provide a site of joint rapture or contentment. Each member of a couple is separate; the two come together in double attention.”
How to properly potter: “A potterer should aim to languorously drift from one location to the next – perhaps in a kaftan, kimono, housecoat or other suitably loose, capaciously floaty garment. Slack elastic, baggy bottoms and general dishevelment matter not to the seasoned potterer: comfort is key. Optimal pottering footwear includes slippers, mules and knackered old garden shoes with the heels trodden down. Shuffling is good, as is scuffing, meandering and dawdling. Hum tunelessly, whistle under your breath, have a good scratch – potter like nobody’s watching.“ /via Russell Davies
New favorite Reddit community: r/cozyplaces, featuring original photos of said places.
Media Diet Speed Round: A song to add to your instrumental queue, currently reading, and the last thing I (re)watched was Guardians of the Galaxy 3 with my son. Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine from the last scene of the movie has been stuck in my head ever since (in a good way). Here is a live performance in the pouring rain.
I hope you have a peaceful weekend pottering around your cozy place or doing whatever makes you happy!
- Guy