#016 - season of the witch (2011)
hello and welcome to my weblog. tonight i watched season of the witch (2011)
there’s something very funny to me about magic spells. it is wholly ridiculous. there are a ton of goofy fantasy cliches that i can take in stride but not magic spells. gonna spout out some latinate gibberish and then make something levitate? get outta here, nerd.
this, i think, is ultimately the reason i’ll never have an alexa or a google home or whatever. not because i do not want an additional piece of ad-tech surveillance equipment in my house, but because shouting “okay google play the boys are back in town” or “alexa buy more gummi worms” feels undignified. it’s me larping as a wizard, casting the dumbest spells imaginable.
anyways, this movie was fine. better than average for post-recession nic cage. but there were a lot of scenes with people very dramatically reading prayers in latin to defeat witches or demons or whatever and they tried to make the spell-casting look as cool as nic cage and ron perlman swinging swords but nothing is ever going to be as cool as ron perlman with a sword.