#005 - kick-ass (2010)
hello and welcome to my weblog. tonight i watched kick-ass (2010).
i spent most of the final showdown distracted by the art in the villain’s penthouse: the warhols, the rothko, the ruscha, the painting that could have been a second ruscha but look i don’t know, i went to school for how air conditioning works. i was impressed by the level of detail the art department had gone to and then i googled it and found out that they were the actual paintings owned by the director of the movie and then i was disappointed and then i was just mad? dudes can just float through life directing movies like this and buying ruschas and then using those paintings as set dressing.
anyways nic cage plays a weird batman guy who does vigilante murders and it is funny in a sad way and the film is better for it but maybe still not good enough