#001 - arsenal (2017)
hello and welcome to my weblog. tonight i watched arsenal (2017).
the main thing about this movie is the textures: the paisley and the hawaiian shirts, the floral wallpapers and curtains, the tinsel walls and the christmas lights.
the main thing about this movie is brothers, maybe. there’s a good brother and a bad brother, neither of whom are nic cage. nic cage’s character’s brother is played by actual nic cage’s actual brother.
nic cage wears sunglasses in every scene so that halfway through every scene he can dramatically take them off. he talks like a ventriloquist.
the main thing about this movie is that john cusack is a little guy. some kind of mississippi goth detective. john cusack has several different costumes, all of which are all black. he might be a cop. he says he’s a cop the way your uncle who is not a cop says he’s a cop. he is the good brother’s psychopomp to the world of crimes. he knows where every teenage drug dealer in the biloxi-gulfport metro area lives.
the main thing about this movie is i can double your money. i got a plan to get you your money, you just gotta give me a few days.