A Brief Leave-Taking
This newsletter is a two-man high-wire act, with David and I working in tandem as writer and editor—and sometimes switching roles. It needs both of us to be at our best.
But recently some unforeseen health issues have come up, and, as a result, the delicate trick of putting out three columns a week is a bit of a challenge.
So we’re going to be taking a hiatus, as brief as possible, and be back as soon as we can, stronger than ever. I hope you’ll be patient with us; before you know it, we’ll be back with you, helping you—and ourselves—navigate this tricky time with the right words, justly chosen.
To tide you over until our next sandwich column, we wanted to provide a sneak preview in the form of… La Mortadella.

It’s a 1971 Italian rom-com, starring Sophia Loren, and costarring Notable Sandwich #122. Fortunately the film is available to watch on Youtube. Unfortunately it is, by all accounts, terrible.
Nonetheless, we offer you this breathtaking beauty cradling a pudgy sausage as a placeholder. We’ll be back, full of spice and sensuality and sage advice and a surfeit of rage, grief and thought.
Yours truly,

Hope y’all take as long as you need! Your health is paramount and this little virtual community will be right here waiting when you are ready!
Time to enjoy not having grind is so important. Time heals. You’re wise to care for yourself this way.
Take all the time y’all need to heal up and get back on your feet! We will be here reading back issues of “The Sword and the Sandwich!”
Hoping the break is a healthy one, Talia. Your words are being missed, but your health is more important.