Where The Good Stuff Is
"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
Sloth and Manatee


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Things Of The Week
The thing of the week is this orange, drawn by a fourth-grader. I draw with kids after school, a couple days a week. This week I had some pastels out. Somebody had left a bowl of oranges in the room. This kid said, “can I draw that?” and I said of course, and he did this:

Then he added the other states of the orange:

I show you not to be about kids as measured by ‘adult’ standards, as beautiful as these are - this is cool because of the way it happened. There was the kid, and the orange, and the pastels, and an environment where everything was okay. These were the circumstances. There was no right way to draw, everybody in the room was doing their thing - some planets, some snow, roses, lists of slang words, whatever. Somebody I think had a crush on a kid who wore green crocs and so they were drawing green crocs.
Spaces of possibility and invention and listening to ourselves are something we have to create and protect. They get taken away every day, filled in by expanding foam of products and trends and celebrities and scrolling and whatnot. But that space is ours, and so if kids can practice that muscle of taking their space as much as possible, there’s a chance of retaining room - despite its being bought and sold - so that they can look out for themselves and for each other. That’s where the good stuff is.
Okay! That's enough nonsense for now.
May you have a nice orange or some pizza or both, may you zoom around, won't you be my neighbor? - Betsy

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