This Is Quite A Lot Of Flowers
"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
Sloth and Manatee

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Thought I’d share some Art of the Youth, made at Richmond Art Center after I had given an art tour to a group of sixth-graders. I love the way this artist has given the diver many arms to get across the frantic-ness of the situation.

I talked with the kids about art as reference and response, and suggested to them to mix their media and ideas, and put out stuff for collage and drawing - one of them made this:

Thinking a lot about listening currently - when we really, really listen, a whole other part of our brain kicks in. Listening is real-time and every sound we hear is a once-in-a-lifetime, or in-eternity, actually, experience. That sound wave happens once. And it belongs to us only. We hear what we hear, from where we are. And listening can take the form of feeling, too. Frequencies and vibrations. Come along and listen.

Things Of The Week
It was Mardi Gras this week! Which is also Shrovetide, which means people in a town in England are going berserk over a ball. Which may be the basis of footy and rugby. Here’s an amazing documentary about it.
El Güegüense is a play that was written a very long time ago in post-colonial Nicaragua. It is about a clever fellow who fools the local Spanish Governor by seeming to be compliant but purposely misconstruing words and meanings to be subversive. A fine tradition that occurs in many cultures where the oppressor is made fun of to their face. This looks to be a full video of the dance associated with it.
Gamelan is a traditional musical form of the Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese people of Indonesia. It’s all about reverberations and the materials out of which the instruments are made and it’s pretty magical. Here’s a performance. I bet it’s quite something to be in the room with it.
Okay! That's enough nonsense for now.
May you get a chance to really listen, may you mix your media, won't you be my neighbor? - Betsy

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