Rocks Have Long Memories
"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
Fun is in the eye of the beholder...?
Different creatures perceive at different frequencies, so the info they get and how their brain handles it plays them a reality "movie" that can be way slower or way faster than we humans get.
We think we are sneaking up on a fly or a mosquito and then the thing takes off as if it saw us coming a mile away. That's pretty much because it saw us coming a mile away.
This came up this week because these rocks are definitely in their own groove time-wise:

That reminds me of when Sloth and Manatee hung out with the Wise Rock who was also operating on geeeeeooooloooogiiiiic tiiiiiime:

For speedy fellows, the reality-movie frame rate is way beyond ours:

It's hard to talk about time without talking about space (thanks Albert Einstein et al) since they are part of each other, which is maybe why I drew this lil comic last week called "hit/miss" although I'm now thinking it should have been called "miss/hit" but here we are

Comics let you control and express time. A page can be a second, or a lifetime, or both.
A painting is a recording of an exact period of time, spent by the artist, that you can now stand and look at. Every brush stroke and erasure and sketchy mark and moment spent pondering what to do next, all at arms' length. And then we stand there, at arms' length, in the same relation to that recording as the artist had when the recording was made.
Speaking of a recording of someone, here's a piece by Jay DeFeo thats at the SFMOMA, It's titled Incision:

Feels like she grabbed on to time and space and just would not let go.
Here's something happening in time and space! Saturday April 6th from 10am to 4pm at the South San Francisco Library, in the SF Bay Area, the Peninsula Libraries are kicking off a Comic Arts Fest. I'll be there with a table and paper to draw on and books and a friendly disposition. Come see all the cartoonists if you're in the area! I'll have copies of Best of Brainwaves and Bicycle Sentences and Sloth and Manatee of course. And Sofa Stories!

Okay! That's enough nonsense for now.
May you have a groovy time, may you befriend a rock or a hummingbird, won't you be my neighbor? - Betsy


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