"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
Sloth and Manatee


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Neptune Road
Life on an alternative planet.
I’m going to do something maybe unusual! I’m sharing with you a re-do of the first installment of the story.
But why? ‘Cause the challenge of visual story-telling in a big and complex world (or planet), is getting the right balance of words and images and the right amount of detail. There is so much detail!
So the first installment, for a second time, is below. Thanks for sticking with this business!
1. Sally

Sally headed out in her Dodge Dart to meet up with the transport from Earth, and sign folks in. Dust rose and the tires left two long and meandering tracks behind her.
This wasn’t her job or anything, she just liked to offer a friendly welcome – and see who was coming and going.
She switched on the radio in her pink boom box:
Gooooood morning, Neptunians! We hope you have all dug out from yesterday’s storm. It was a doozy! Be sure and send in your coordinates A.S.A.P., so the map people can update the maps.
Looks like we will have a sunny one today, Neptune sunlight amplification is up and running in most sectors. So, wear your sunscreen! Just kidding. We get sun, but not that much sun.
It’s a busy Neptune day! There’s a salvage drop on the way from Earth. We will share the landing coordinates the second we have them, so you can get out there and grab yourself some pipes or wire or a useful small appliance. Remember that luck is where preparation and opportunity meet. Good luck!
As if that weren’t exciting enough, the Earth Transport arrives today! Can’t wait to see who has made their way out of the clutches of EarthAdmin and out to this finest planet in the solar system.
Radio Neptune out!
Sally pulled the Dart to a stop. She hauled her supplies out of her trunk: A card table and folding chair, the sign-in sheet, and her all-important handmade sign reading, “Welcome to Neptune – Please sign in!” which she had festooned with star and heart stickers.
She settled in to wait for the Earth Transport, a glorified stack of welded-together shipping containers which, on cue, came chugging along over the horizon. She straightened her sign-in sheet and her welcome sign and smiled.
Neptune Road is collected (and being updated!) here
I got some nifty paper and Bunny Frog Cat and Snake tried it out

Things Of The Week
Woa, a super-detailed map of brain connections. What a trip that is.
I made an art for a friend:

I forget if I mentioned this last week, but Tim Walz Fixed Your Bicycle.
This week I learned the term “Swede-ed” which comes from the movie “Be Kind Rewind” which is a very sweet silly movie about a VHS rental place where they accidentally erase all the tapes and decide to remake all the movies themselves. Which they call “Swede”-ing, to make it sound Swedish and therefore kind of sophisticated or exotic. So when you slap something together, make it sound cool by saying you “Swede-ed” it. I won’t tell.
Okay! That's enough nonsense for now.
May you sport some splendid fashions, may you warm yourself on a sunny rock, won't you be my neighbor? - Betsy

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