I'm Bein' Followed by a Moooon Shadow
"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
I am glad you are here.
An aside: My blog is quickly devolving into a mess of rough/spontaneous comics and other experiments - new posts include How to Do a Comic Wrong and Scary Art? and Friend Practice in case you'd like more things. Enjoy!

Here's a fantastic word: Penumbra!
It's the not-totally-dark, not-totally-light area at the very edge of a shadow. It's a grey area, a blend, not all one thing and not all another thing. What a lovely concept. Aren't we all a bit of a penumbra? And isn't that wonderful?

Sloth and (Moon)atee
I hear there will be a total solar eclipse on April 8th in some parts of our globe. Maybe you will see it! And by see it, I mean, go under a tree, and look at the ground, and watch as all the bits of sunlight transform into tiny little moon shapes. Truly magical, and not going to burn your eyes. Unless you're in an area of totality where the whole sun goes away and in that case good luck with the End of the World -
Or hey, look at it from extremely far away, like these fellows:

Speaking of Looking at Things

Moon Shadow
From Cat Stevens, in 1971. The lyrics are kind of strange? But the chorus puts me back in the very first house I lived in, when I was very very smol indeed.
We are all sundials, when you think about it
Is there an angle of the sun that you particularly like? How does the quality of the light change at different times of year? Do you notice the sun getting higher and lower in relation to a tree or a roof or some other landmark?

May The Full Moon Shine On You
Around and around we go. I felt so cozy when I was drawing this. It made me want a long sleeping cap. Even though it would probably get wrapped around my face.

Joe Pera Has a Podcast
It's called "Drifting Off With Joe Pera" and it's all about relaxing thoughts on a Sunday night. I've listened so far to the introduction, but if you're familiar with Joe Pera, and you dig the cut of his jib, it's very Joe Pera stuff. The first episode is about soup. I'm there.
Okay that's enough nonsense for this week!
May you observe something cool in the sky, may you have a fine nap, won't you be my neighbor?
PS: More interesting/peculiar things to read are found in the Mixed Media blog, please enjoy!

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