Here We Are Together
"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
Sloth and Manatee


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Things Of The Week
This is a time for Mr. Rogers.
There is a new Cure Album. It is dark and very good. Here is a livestream they did in London the day of the release. They played the whole album and a bunch more. Magical.
A lil note: These are strange and scary times. We are seeing what happens when enough people no longer buy into systems that they don’t feel help them, and cast about for somewhere to throw their anger and frustration. I have also realized how much of an echo chamber we all live in with algorithm-based media. It bends our idea of what the world even is and I am as guilty of this as the next frog. So, for my part anyway, these times will be about turning off machines, facing hard truths, and using (offline!) art and illustration and publishing to inform and teach and create artifacts of humor and friendship. I don’t know what all form(s) that will take yet but I’ll tell you about it along the way.
Thanks for being a subscriber to this little missive, may it continue to be silly and maybe even inspiring and something sweet to read. And please share it with friends and neighbors if you think they too would enjoy. Let’s keep meeting here each week.
Okay! That's enough nonsense for now.
May you be together with people you like, may you help someone and have someone help you, won't you be my neighbor? I really mean it. - Betsy

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