Great Googly Squirrel in a Pinecone Hat!
"Wherever we go, we are friends" -Sloth and Manatee
(I kind of mixed title metaphors this time ‘cause I couldn’t decide)
Sloth and Manatee


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Things Of The Week
If you have not had the chance to see the great Ricky Jay do sleight-of-hand and card tricks (or even if you have), you really should.
A nice breath of fresh/positive air: Here’s a chart that shows what every country is most beautiful at
If you do a lot of writing, a thesaurus is a great friend. Here is the one that I always have open in a tab.
Okay! That's enough nonsense for now.
May you find something with a satisfying crunch, may you be watched over by the Great Googly Eye, won't you be my neighbor? - Betsy

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