I’m Lucy Bellwood, and you’re receiving this email because you expressed an interest in The Right Number, a friendly voicemail box with a fancy new website.
I still remember my AP English teacher reading Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art" aloud to our class for the first time. He held our eyes as he paced and gesticulated, jowls trembling in the way they always did when he got worked up over words.
I guess that's something I've managed to hold onto.
This session's prompt is about losing things—family heirlooms, favorite utensils, a beloved diner, the trust of friends.
If you feel so inclined over the next two weeks, dial (503) 673-6267 and tell me about something you've lost. You’ll have three minutes to answer however you’d like after the pre-recorded prompt.
I'll be keeping an ear out.
P.S. Last week I fell in love with the Wind Telephone in Japan. I think you'd like it, too.