The Pudding is a journal for visual essays. You may have stumbled upon some of our projects, such as Women’s Pockets are Inferior, How Bad is Your Spotify or Apple Music?, or A People Map of the US.
In this issue, we try to make learning about statistical anomalies (in the NBA) a little more fun, see if data can aid the discussion around US city naming conundrums, and test your US geography expertise.
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Do you know where this picture was taken? Test your American geography skills with our short, daily photo guessing game. There are five photos from the same place. You have five guesses to figure out where. Where in the USA is this?
If you live in the US, you’ve encountered the conversation where someone has to stop and ask, “did you mean Portland, Oregon, or Maine?” We tried to use a blend of data to help answer that question. Explore your city here, or check out our interactive methodology to fine-tune the parameters.
We wanted to find the most out-of-nowhere games in NBA history. We looked at every game for every player since 1985 to detect outlier performances, and broke down some of the nuances we encountered along the way.
Here are some stories and projects that our team can’t stop talking about. Join the chat in realtime on our patron-only Slack channel #stuff-we-love:
Which generation controls the senate? - Will Donnell
You’re probably recycling wrong - The Washington Post
Space Elevator: a scroll-upwards experience through space! - Neal Agarwal
Thanks for taking in our latest issue, and for continuing to subscribe. ❤️❤️❤️
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P.P.S. have a cool essay idea that you want to make? Check out our pitch guidelines.
P.P.P.S. Want to hire our team to produce data-led, visual stories? Check out our sister studio, Polygraph.