The real reason I hate climate change
Your local vampires are sticking around longer
Thanks! How can The Planet You Save work best for you?
There's no reading selection from Threadable this month. This is in part because my own busyness, but mostly because I wasn't seeing anyone sign up for the reading circles. As paid members of The Planet You Save, I want to make sure you're getting the extras that are actually useful, and experimenting has always been a part of this newsletter. You still have full access to our Threadable circle with all the selections so far, and I may continue to add book excerpts in the future.
But I'm curious what you'd like to see as paid members that would be useful or you'd really enjoy - reply to this email with the letter below if any of these are of interest: - A) Bonus links editions like this one - B) A discussion group where you can share ideas and ask questions with each other - C) Deep-dives into a climate action subject quarterly - D) Keep the reading selections coming! - E) Something else It was a lovely weekend here in DC. Power-washer and clippers in hand, I was doing some yard work. But it wasn't long before I felt the familiar, tiny pinch - my first mosquito bite. The mosquitoes love me, and my body hates mosquito bites, so much so that I was declared helpful in drawing the suckers away from others them during a summer vacation last year.