Using Swift SDKs from ClojureDart
One of Dart’s strengths has always been host interoperability. Early on (beginning of 2017), Platform channels were used (and still are) to consume native SDKs. Although they are very useful, Platform channels come with costs tied to their message-handling design (a close comparison would be JavaScript’s Web Worker API).
More recently, Dart’s team has invested significantly in the Foreign Function Interface (FFI). They built a set of libraries to help you generate native bindings targeting Java, Objective-C, C, Kotlin, and more. Once your bindings are generated, you only need to call them using ClojureDart. The team also plans to continue working in this direction:
We’ll continue to invest in further interoperability—both in terms of completing the above-mentioned libraries and in terms of supporting Swift—over the coming releases. See the roadmap section below for details.
I personally think it’s a game-changer. At Tensegritics, we generate lots of bindings for our projects. The process is as simple as:
1. Identifying a native SDK.
2. Writing some configuration for ffigen or jnigen.
3. Dumping the bindings.
You might have noticed that I did not mention Swift among the available languages. That’s because it’s not currently directly supported, although swiftgen
is a work in progress. It is still possible, and that’s the goal of this article.
We are going to generate bindings for the CryptoKit SDK, which is a Swift-only SDK, using ffigen
and some Xcode magic (or nightmares).
The operation can be summarized as follows:
1. Create a Swift file containing the functions you want to use (using @objc annotations).
2. Compile the file and generate Objective-C headers.
3. Add the dynamic library to the project.
4. Generate Dart bindings using ffigen.
Cryptobridge: A macOS Desktop Application Using CryptoKit SDK
The application’s sole goal is to compare SHA-256 hashes generated from Swift and from Dart. They must be equal!
Having Clojure and Flutter installed. (ClojureDart comes via deps.edn.)
First, clone the example repository:
git clone
Then initialize it:
cd cryptobridge
fvm use # only if you are an fvm user
clj -M:cljd init
Download the official Dart crypto
flutter pub add crypto
And run the application:
clj -M:cljd flutter -d macos
You should see the application like this:
You can stop the app for now -- adding a native dependency requires restarting the app.
Writing Your Swift Bindings
Swift can be consumed in Objective-C by using the @objc
annotation. Once you’ve identified the Swift functions you need to use, it’s simply a matter of reading the documentation and figuring out how to call them. Most of the time, you don’t need to be a Swift expert.
Open the project with Xcode:
open macos/Runner.xcworkspace
Create a new Swift file as shown in the images below:
Name the file CryptoBridge
Once created, copy and paste the code below. The code imports CryptoKit
and creates a public class CryptoBridge
with a static method hash
that takes a String as input and returns an NSData. SHA256.hash
is from CryptoKit
, and we wrap the result in an NSData wrapper. The official objective_c.dart
package makes it simple to consume NSData
import Foundation
import CryptoKit
@available(macOS 10.15, *)
@objc public class CryptoBridge: NSObject {
@objc public static func hash(s: String) -> NSData {
let data = .utf8)!
let hash = SHA256.hash(data: data)
return Data(hash) as NSData
Generating the Objective-C Wrapper Header and Dynamic Library
Once we’re done writing our Swift code, we need to compile and generate the swift_api.h
headers. Note that I am using an Apple Silicon chip here, so change the -target
option to fit your architecture.
swiftc -c macos/Runner/CryptoBridge.swift -target arm64-apple-macos10.15 -module-name crypto_module -sdk $(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) -emit-objc-header-path third_party/swift_api.h -emit-library -o macos/Runner/libcryptobridge.dylib
generated two files:
- macos/Runner/libcryptobridge.dylib
that we need to embed in our app.
- third_party/swift_api.h
that we’ll use to generate Dart bindings using ffigen
In Xcode, add the libcryptobridge.dylib
library to your project. Under Frameworks
, right-click, select “Add files,” and look for the dylib file.
Once it’s done, when you click on Runner
and then Build Phases
, you should see the libcryptobridge.dylib
file under Link Binary With Libraries
like this:
Generating Dart Bindings and Using Them
Our Xcode job is done here. The last phase is generating Dart bindings using ffigen
and using them.
If your app is running, quit it, and then run pub get
for the ffigen
and objective_c
flutter pub add ffigen --dev
flutter pub add objective_c
Open your pubspec.yaml
file and add this ffigen configuration at the very end:
name: CryptoKit
description: Bindings for CryptoKit
language: objc
output: 'lib/ns_cryptokit_bindings.dart'
exclude-all-by-default: true
- 'NS*'
- 'CryptoBridge'
'CryptoBridge': 'crypto_module'
preamble: |
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types, non_constant_identifier_names, unused_element, unused_field, void_checks, annotate_overrides, no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers, library_private_types_in_public_api
- 'third_party/swift_api.h'
- '**swift_api.h'
You can now generate your Dart bindings like this:
dart run ffigen
This should create the lib/ns_cryptokit_bindings.dart
If you open the generated file (lib/ns_cryptokit_bindings.dart
), you’ll find a static method hashWithS_
, which is the Dart wrapper for the hash(s: String)
method we created above.
static objc.NSData hashWithS_(objc.NSString s) {
final _ret =
_objc_msgSend_1(_class_CryptoBridge, _sel_hashWithS_, s.pointer);
return objc.NSData.castFromPointer(_ret, retain: true, release: true);
Now, it's time to start our application anew (if you haven't killed it yet, you have to stop it and relaunches it).
clj -M:cljd flutter -d macos
The application should show up as before, except that this time it's linked to CryptoKit, but we have no apparent change yet.
Open src/cryptobridge/main.cljd
and require the necessary packages:
(ns cryptobridge.main
["package:flutter/material.dart" :as m]
;; our generated bindings
["ns_cryptokit_bindings.dart" :as ns_cryptokit_bindings]
;; objective_c utility
["package:objective_c/objective_c.dart" :as objective_c]
["package:crypto/crypto.dart" :as crypto]
["dart:convert" :as dart:convert]
[cljd.flutter :as f]))
In the body of the main
function, look for:
:padding {:top 8}
:watch [v controller :> .-text]
(m/Text "TO IMPLEMENT"))
with the call to our wrapper:
:padding {:top 8}
:watch [v controller :> .-text] ;1️⃣
(m/Text (str (-> v
objective_c/NSString ;2️⃣
ns_cryptokit_bindings/CryptoBridge.hashWithS_ ;3️⃣
objective_c/NSDataExtensions ;4️⃣
.toList)))) ;5️⃣
Save and wait for hot reload to pick your changes up.
While we wait for the reload to happen, let me explain two bits of the above snippet:
- the
(1️⃣) triggers on changes to thetext
property (a string) of the controller. - let's break down the big
form: take v, convert it to aNSString
(2️⃣), call the wrapper (3️⃣), call the.toList
(5️⃣) method extension toNSData
defined inNSDataExtensions
(4️⃣, it looks like we are wrapping just to call a method but we are not: it's just some weird low-level static sugar, 4️⃣ and 5️⃣ work as a single expression).
The :watch
option above listens for changes in the TextEditingController
and gets any new TextEditingValue
. We then get the text
property, which is a string. Using the objective_c
package, we create an NSString
from our text
and pass it to our hashWithS_
bindings. Finally, we use the toList
method extension to dump NSData
Using Swift APIs is a bit more tedious than calling Objective-C APIs as it requires an extra step (creating @objc
wrappers), but it's still a straightforward process.
Native interop is making constant progress, to the point that we’ve stopped looking for ready-made wrappers.
Nowadays, you rarely have to write native languages thanks to code generation (except for the situation described above, but swiftgen is coming). The few cases where we still had to write native code in the last year (to run on a specific thread or implement a callback) have been recently addressed!