Tanglewood Community Association ACC Reminder
Dear Neighbors,
Many of us are staying closer to home and thinking about making them a better place to be in these topsy turvy times. It has been observed that I need to send an important reminder about our obligations as a members of our homeowner’s association. When considering certain projects on the exterior of your home or property you are required to submit the TCA Homeowners Architectural Approval Form to our Architectural Control Committee (ACC). It can be found on our website and here’s a link https://tcavienna.org/media/documents/TCA_Homeowners_Architectural_Approval_Form.pdf.
Our long time neighbor, Gino Tognotti, is chair of the committee. He has put together an excellent review that I think you find to be a very helpful guide if you have any questions about our policies and you’ll find on the web site .
I have found the ACC, which includes Mary Ann Heravi and Dorota Dyman, to be very responsive to requests. Please send your form to review@tcavienna.org before undertaking exterior home improvement projects. You may also mail it to our P.O. Box 1942, Vienna, VA 22183 but understand that will result in a review delay.
As long as I’ve been president of our association, I haven’t seen an application denied. Our by-laws are not as restrictive as many associations. We just don’t want to see purple and pink striped siding. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. The nice things many of you are doing around your homes are something your community appreciates and that I hope you enjoy for years to come!
Good luck with your projects and stay safe,
Cindy Crist
TCA President